This is a reconstruction and revision of the online web presence of yours truly.
As patterns of change intervened in the re-making of myself, I imagine this site like a sculptor, ever shaping its contours until exhausting the limits of either aesthetics or energy.
However, I offer brief snippets of my vastly hyphenated multiverse with selected accomplishments and evidence of labor for the world to scratch and sniff.
Be warned. This will never be the whole story.
I have walked many paths in forests and cities in love, career, family, education, and art. I have had influences and mentors whose teachings weave into mine. I have had failures, struggles, and disappointments that make me human.
Professional websites are cute but these are interesting times and all we have is each other–with our humanity–to heal the many shards of broken promises and systems that have poisoned our precious world.
This is just another page on the Internet, a key hole view, of a person, an artist/citizen/scholar/director/producer/business owner, Dr. Heather Barfield.
Be kind to yourself, your loved ones, your pets, your neighbors, and the Earth.
Have a good day, too.
Would you like to be in touch with me?